Finding God in an Everyday Life

Welcome. Many times in this busy world in which we live it is difficult to feel God's presence. The reason is not His non-existence, but our own persistence in moving from one demand to the next out of the sheer necessity that our tasks be completed. In this world, everything is a top priority. And to our demise, we believe it is best done when we are in control orchestrating the steps creating a weariness in ourselves that defeats. We exist in a stressed and exhaustive state. Yet, this is unnecessary. The truth of our existence is we reside in the ambiance of an ever present God who desires to relieve our burdens and give us rest. He waits on us with His out- stretched hand and our name on His lips. It is my hope that, together, we will begin to see and experience our omnipotent God in our daily life and my prayer that we will learn to hear Him as we become still and know His awesome power in the quietness of our daily chaos.

Today's Bible Verse

If you keep on biting and devouring each will be destroyed by each other.
~ Galatians 5:15

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

New Home

I am thrilled to announce that A Quiet Chaos has a new home.  

So come on over and check out all the great work that Author Media has done.  A special thanks to Hannah, Hilary and Samantha.  You ladies rock!  

If you have not already, sign up for e-mail delivery so you don't miss a thing!  And as always....

May you abound in the peace and love of our sweet Lord Jesus,

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Yesterday afternoon, I found God in a subway tunnel.
Randy and I took the Metro down to Arlington to his office so he could pick up some files he needed for the weekend.  When we arrived at the Courthouse station and began to exit the train to his office, Randy grabs my hand and says to me, "There is a guy we will pass in a few minutes - he plays his guitar and sings Jesus songs."  We ascended the stairs and swiped our cards at the turnstile. As we rounded the corner,  heading for the tunnel that runs under the street to his office building, I could hear the music.  Softly, quietly it drifted and swirled around me pulling me forward to the center of the tunnel where it splits off into different directions. His sweet voice carried simple words, but friend, they were such powerful words. 
"Jesus, I want to be in Your presence. 
Jesus, I want to know you. 
Jesus, I want you to fill me up with Your love." 
As we drew nearer to him, I could feel love and encouragement in my heart.  As the words he sang made my heart swell, I let the rest of everything fall away - the stress, the anxiety, the problems to big for me to handle, the meanness of the world, the fear that keeps me in idle much too often- I just let it go.  And for the few brief moments as we passed by him, I truly felt God whispering to my heart.
"Here I am.  I will take your problems because they are not to big for me.  I will take your stress and your anxiety, your worry and your fear.  I will take your doubt.  I will use it to build you up and never let you down.  Trust me."
As we continued to walk through the tunnel under the street, the music faded slowly away.  We emerged into the sunshine of late afternoon.  I felt grateful.  I felt peaceful.  Would it last? I did not know. 
When we re-entered the train station, retracing our steps, the music slowly, quietly began to drift through the tunnels to me once again.  God showed me how this man had placed himself strategically in the center of the station's tunnels where Jesus' name could be heard throughout.  I began to think about how God places us in a certain time and place for His specific purposes.  We may never know this side of Heaven who we affect with our actions - good or bad, but I believe if we are obedient to our calling and the ministry God has laid before us, then the outcome is change.  
Changed hearts.  
Changed minds.  
Changed lives. 
Changed for the good, not the bad.  Is that not enough for us to know?  Should we not, every one of us whatever our beliefs are, just try to be a source of encouragement to one another?  Should we not always try our very best to show kindness and love to another fellow human being?  Should we not care about another's burdens and show them what God can do with those burden's?
He can take them, crush them and make us whole. I think I will let Him take mine.  Will you?
When I passed by this man, each time I felt a holiness and reverence that had been missing in the rest of my day. I felt it because Jesus was with him.  It made me want to touch this man in the subway tunnel as if I might draw on his love for Jesus, might benefit somehow from his obedience, that somehow magically it could be transferred directly to me with just a mere touch. I wanted what he had in Jesus, but I did not have to touch him to get it.  Because Jesus was present and He made Himself available to me in the busiest of times to calm and refresh my heart, ease my worries and anxieties. He filled me up with His peace and love and all I had to do was exist in His presence.  It is the most beautiful thing to experience and I want to encourage you to seek Him out today.  Let Jesus love and spoil you with His perfectness and His beauty. Let it be today.

May you exist in a showering of His Peace and love, 